The biofeedback audio oscillator developed by Hulda Clark. The experimental research Sync-Rho-Meter is the same as the unit recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark for the last several years, with a small change to improve battery life and stabilize the sound. Each unit has a 5 year parts and labor warranty.
Dr. Clark asked for three units to test, and then wrote, "They did have the best sound I had ever heard, so to speak." We test and calibrate each unit by hand to the exact specifications developed by Dr. Clark.
You can find a detailed introduction to the Sync-Rho-Meter on pages 457 to 511 in "The Cure for All Diseases".
The Professional SuperTone
A new generation of Hulda Clark Syncrometer

These units require a solid commitment to master. Prepare to practice 1 to 2 hours per day for 3 months to become proficient. To obtain full benefit from the unit, you will need a range of test substances to use as references. You can make them up yourself as Dr. Clark describes in "The Cure for All Diseases," or obtain them from several different sources listed in the back of the book.
Dr. Hulda Clark developed the Syncrometer as a means of rapid and accurate detection of various substances in the human body. The Syncrometer works on the principle of matching resonance frequencies within the body. Everything in the universe vibrates at a particular frequency (usually multiple frequencies or a range of frequencies) that can be used to both identify a particular substance and, in the case of a biological organism, to kill or devitalize it. This is the basic theory that outlines the field of Energetic Medicine.
Based on her research into the causes of human diseases, Dr. Clark believes that all diseases are caused by only two things: Parasites and Toxins. If you eliminate either or both of these in the human body (or animals, too), disease can be eliminated.
The Syncrometer gives you the ability to test for the presence of almost any substance in the human body, as well as in the foods and cosmetics we all use daily. There is a great deal more to test for than you can ever imagine.
How does the Syncrometer work?
The electrical circuit of the Syncrometer has three parts: (1) the audio oscillator (Syncrometer), (2) the Test Plate apparatus, and (3) YOU. In the Syncrometer test layout Dr. Clark has two "test plates." These are little platforms on which you can place things. If you place a little bottle of flu virus on one plate, that bottle is resonating at a certain frequency. Let's say Dr. Clark wants to find out if you have the flu virus in your body. All she has to do is put a glass bottle, from a laboratory supply house, containing the flu virus on the test plate. Since the sample is emitting its own resonance frequency, that frequency now becomes part of the circuit. (More advanced machines such as the F-Scan II and the QXCI are able to use a computer interface to give you readout if the compounds present in your body without having the actual substance available. All the information regarding individual frequency is stored in software on a PC.)
With the Syncrometer, all Dr. Clark (or any Syncrometer operator) has to do is listen to see if there is a resonance sound generated by the audio oscillator. If there is one, than the tested virus is present. If there is no resonance than it most likely is not - or exists in a very, very small quantity. The Syncrometer, like many of its counterparts, detect where in the body the tested compound is concentrated. By putting samples (in glass containers) of various organs, tissues, etc. on the test plates one at a time. This action adjusts the resonance wave. If it now gives off an audio oscillation, it is in that location.
What the Syncrometer may be used for?
You can detect entities in your body, taken as a whole. For example, mercury, aflatoxin, Streptococcus pneumonia, Epstein Barre virus, orthophosphotyrosine, benzene. Such a test is not as sensitive as the organ test, described next, but for this reason allows you to select those entities most abundant in the body and therefore of special significance. Called by Dr. Clark, "whole body test."
You can identify which organs contain a particular entity. For example, the mercury may be in the kidney, the streptococcus in the joints, and so on. This allows you to embark on a cleanup program for your body in a focused way such as improving kidneys or liver, etc. The Syncrometer lets you monitor your progress with any health improvement program.
You may identify and analyze a particular skin site and what is directly under it, for example, what is happening inside and under a mole, blemish, painful spot, swelling or discoloration.
You may search in a saliva sample for entities in a particular organ of the donor. Even the above refinements can be applied to saliva testing.
You may detect entities in products. For example, lead in your household water, thulium in your reverse osmosis water, asbestos in your sugar.
The search for entities can be pushed to the sub cellular level. For example, heavy metals in the microcosms, lanthanides in the lysosomes, ferritin on the cell surface, and DNA in the nucleus. Viruses can be detected within chromosomes, namely in the latent form. This allows monitoring of the virus' presence after experimenting with different kinds of antiviral treatment.
Summary of the Syncrometer
The Syncrometer is an energetic medicine device capable of highlighting various compounds from viruses to heavy metals in the body. It is an inexpensive device with possible diagnostic capabilities. If we are to believe that the Syncrometer is a highly effective tool, then devices such as the QXCI are highly developed (and very expensive) versions of this Hulda Clark device. Though the Syncrometer helps practitioners identify possible treatment therapies, it does not provide therapeutic options for the practitioner.
Please be aware that the Zincrometer (Syncrometer) is not an easy device to master. It takes a good amount of time and effort, and a real desire to be sucessful, before you will ever be truly comfortable with it. I normally discourage my customers from purchasing a Zincrometer because most people simply cannot get the hang of it. It's not impossible to learn, just very difficult.
We cannot offer assistance in any form or fashion in the proper use or training of the Zincrometer.
If you purchase a Zincrometer from this website, you are on your own. We will exchange a defective unit during the warranty period, but cannot guarantee your success with the Zincrometer and
cannot offer a refund.
Just so there is no mistaking what I just said, let me repeat it: I absolutely cannot offer a refund if you decide you don't like, don't want, don't have enough time, or can't learn to use, a Zincrometer purchased from this website.
As you can see, I am seriously trying to discourage the sale of this product. From personal experience we know it works and think it's tremendous what can be done with it. It's just very difficult to learn to use and I CAN'T HELP YOU WITH IT.
Although our Zincrometer includes everything needed to make it to work,
To effectively use the Zincrometer you will have to assemble a "kit" of tissue/organ samples and a fairly large number of toxin/parasite samples. This kit is used regularly as the basis for most of the testing you will do. For example, if you want to test for the presence of a toxin in the liver, you need a small sample (even a tiny one will do) of the toxin you are testing for, as well as a sample of liver tissue. You don't need actual human liver tissue, but you do need liver tissue from some animal, such as a cow. For more information about what is required please read Dr. Clark's books (The Syncrometer Science Lab Manual, The Cure for All Diseases, etc.).