Rife machine Kills Virus


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Best Rife Machinerife beam ray sm

We are often asked 'what is the best rifle machine?'. Of course Royal Rife passed away years ago, so there are no literal Rife machines anymore. All frequency generators on the market today are based on the work of Royal Rife. If you're not familiar with these devices see the home page for a brief history.  Essentially they are radio wave generators that output frequencies that are designed to devitalize pathogenic organisms in our bodies and also to help revitalize healthy cells, tissue and organ systems.

What is the "best Rife machine"?

When it comes to finding the best Rife machine, there are several factors to  consider.

First, frequency range (this means how high of a frequency range does the machine output) Royal Rife's original sets for cancer we're in the millions of hertz.  (cycles per second)  His highest known frequency for cancer was over 17,000,000 Hertz. Many devices on the market today claim to be the best Rife machine and that they are capable of running all of Royal Rife's original frequencies. This is simply not true and is very misleading, which causes much confusion to consumers.

The next thing to consider is power output of the signal, which should be measured in watts. Some Rife machine makers talk about amperage or voltage, but this is inaccurate. Amperage x voltage = watts, which is the true measurement of signal strength output. Many Rife machine makers claim to have the highest voltage, which is usually untrue.  In the case of these machines, voltage is more about the quality of the wave being produced.... not actual power.  It refers to how high the energy spikes, which is another determination of power. The higher the voltage, the sharper the wave.  (better vibration)  Many manufacturers use computer software to generate these frequencies. These setups always lack sufficient power and can be very cumbersome to use.  Also beware of battery powered devices.  Although these may offer benefit, we want the best Rife machine available!

The best Rife machine will also include an optional carrier wave feature (can be turned on or off).  Rife preferred this method when running the lower frequencies.  The lower "audio frequencies" don't penetrate tissue as efficiently as the higher "RF" (radio frequencies).  When using the carrier wave method, the low frequencies get 'piggy backed' onto the much higher carrier frequency for more power much deeper penetration into the body.  All the way through the bone. Low frequencies alone can not do this.

Which brings us to the next concern when looking for the best Rife machine. Is it easy to use and self-contained? Ease of use is important for most people. We of course feel that we offer the best Rife machine. It comes pre programmed with with 900 presets. (plus 1000's more specific frequencies)  Simply scroll through the book to find the condition or conditions that you want to experiment with and run that program.  Easy.  Many users with computer controlled devices will tell us they are complicated, which leads them to using them less and

Another consideration when looking for the best Rife machine for you, is method of application. Some devices use Royal Rife's original method of broadcasting the signal through a plasma light tube. This allows the user to be hands free. You simply sit next to the lamp while working, reading, watching TV, or even sleeping. In the later years Rife along with partners John Crane and John Marsh designed simple units for home use that use wire sets that are attached to hand cylinders and or foot plates. This is called the contact method.

Another consideration when searching for the best Rife machine is time saving features. Many programs will contain up to 48 frequencies. Most devices run just one frequency at a time for 5 minutes and then move on to the next, and on to the next, etc.... With these types of devices it would take 240 minutes to complete that program. Our Rife machine does those same 48 frequencies in just 30 minutes, because it runs 8 frequencies simultaneously. Royal Rife was known to run up to 10 frequencies simultaneously to save time.

The best Rife machines will run both square wave and sine wave. Square wave is used for the lower frequencies while sine wave is used for the high frequencies. Again, many devices won't run the high frequencies unfortunately.

The best Rife machines have other features that make them more efficient and variable. Does it run sweeps? Can you vary the signal duration? Does it have the ability to use gating, which is an advanced optional feature? Does it have an optional channel sweep function, sometimes referred to as the 'hover' effect? If you're looking for the best Rife machine, why limit yourself to a very basic non-variable device?

If you're not familiar with some of these terms, see this PDF for more on these definitions. The best Rife machines will have more features, not less.

One thing also to consider when shopping for the best Rife machine is what kind of customer support will you get?  Many manufacturers leave you on your own once you purchase.  We hear this often.

The best Rife machine?

We of course feel our frequency generator is the best Rife machine!  That's why we been selling it for 18 years.  Why?

  • Highest frequency range available

  • Outputs the most power and highest voltage spikes

  • Easy to learn and use (free phone training)

  • Optional carrier wave for deep penetration

  • Run 8 frequencies simultaneously to SAVE TIME

  • Capable of broadcast or contact method

  • Other features make it highly comprehensive

To see all the specifications of the generator see here.



Get Full Details Here

Sorry we can't display the device right here. Certain FDA and contractual restrictions prevent that. Chances are you have heard about this device if you have been researching Rife machines. However, we can email you the information immediately.  Just email to the address below.  An 'Auto-Reply' will email you with the information within seconds.  (Be sure to check your spam folder, sometimes it ends up there.)

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9-5 Pacific / 12-8 Eastern




For those of you who want to know as much as you can about the complete history of Royal Rife; his amazing instruments; how they worked; how many of today's frequencies were determined; and much more... we urge you to check out www.Rifevideos.com.  This is one the most comprehensive and painstakingly detailed sources of information on the topic.  Watch the free videos!


Statements about Royal Rife, Rife machines, frequency generators, Dr. Clark zappers, etc. have not been reviewed by the FDA.

Best Rife Machine

Frequency Rising     13235 Sundance Ave, San Diego, CA 92129      ♦     Ph: 800-701-4039   (9-5 PST / 12-8 PM EST)   ♦     Email:  1016@frequencyrising.com