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Dr Hulda Clark Zapper

clark zapper

The Auto-Zap5™ Hulda Clark zapper is automatic, tested, and guaranteed for a lifetime of trouble-free use. 

FIVE (5) zapping settings

                                                                                    .  Clarza






Includes 2 Pairs Conductive Wrist Cuffs (Or Gloves)
Classic 63 Minute Cycle @ 30 kHz, per Dr. Clark. 
Use with the Super Zappicator for maximum results!
FIVE YEAR Warranty.
Simple to use - FULLY AUTOMATIC
Faster results!  Unique 5 minute cycle emits 1,000's of zapper signals simultaneously!
ONLY FAIL-SAFE ZAPPER:  3 features guarantee correct operation at all times.
Food Zappication Cycle.  (need "plate zapper" such as the Super Zappicator.)
Cheap to run - runs about 500 hours on 2 AA batteries, 10 times longer than most zappers.
Guaranteed10 Volt Output.  Foolproof. Sensor LEDs give positive indication of correct output (show you that connections, current, and battery are good).
Fully protected against damage from static electricity and reversed battery (which can destroy other zappers).
Convenient SOUND ALERT - long beep at start and short beep at end of each pulse output period to remind you to put down hand holds for rest periods.
Automatic battery test each time the start button is pressed: the Auto-Zap5 will start only if full output is assured for the entire cycle.
Top quality - solid case, Lexan label, heavy duty wires and plugs, rustproof solid copper clips and hand holds to last a lifetime. Our switches have solid silver contacts, and are rated for a million operations!



What is a Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper?

A Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper is a battery powered electronic signal generator that meets the following specifications outlined by Dr. Clark on pages 14 & 15 of "The Cure for All Diseases":

  • battery operated [see page 14 bottom]

  • positively offset frequency [output never goes negative, even a tiny bit]

  • sufficient voltage (5 to 10 volts)

  • duration (seven minutes) and

  • frequency, anything from 10 Hertz to 500,000 Hertz


How does a Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper work?

A Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper does not kill parasites because of certain frequencies.  This is often confused when you see other zapper makers advertising their various frequency ranges. A Clark parasite zapper kills parasites and dissolves pathogenic tissue by delivering a positive offset DC electric charge... not because of the frequency resonance phenomenon.  (like a Rife machine)

Many variations in zapping techniques have been discovered since the one found around 1990.  The original technique showed that many pathogens, like parasites, can be killed with a very small voltage, but only IF the voltage is 100% positive offset, and only IF the voltage is varied up and down repeatedly.  If the varying voltage becomes NEGATIVE, even momentarily, it supports and maintains their lives!  This must be avoided. You cannot take this for granted when you purchase a zapper. The maker must assure you that it has been checked on an oscilloscope and not even 1% negative voltage found. Preferably a picture of the zapper output on an oscilloscope should accompany the unit, together with an arrow pointing to the zero line.

Below is the output waveform from the Auto-Zap5 zapper as seen on a Tektronix TDS 210 oscilloscope. Note that the signal never goes down to the zero line, but remains above it at all times. This is what Dr. Clark means by "positive offset."

Dr. Clark adds, "Generating positive offset frequencies is the best way to kill all pathogens quickly. But it takes more than one treatment. It takes three treatments to kill everything. Why? The first [seven minute] zapping kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites. But a few minutes later, bacteria and viruses (different ones) often recur. I conclude they had been infecting the parasites, and killing the parasites released them. The second [seven minute] zapping kills the released viruses and bacteria, but soon a few viruses appear again. They must have been infecting some of the last bacteria. After a third [seven minute] zapping I never find any viruses, bacteria or parasites, even hours later."

We have inserted the words in square brackets above to clarify misunderstood areas. Three 7-minute sessions of zapper pulses, separated by two 20-minute rest periods, constitute one automatic zapping cycle.

Dr. Hulda Clark's specifications exclude all devices based on the work of Dr. Bob Beck, including his "zapper"/colloidal silver maker/plant growth stimulator, Brain Tuner, and magnetic pulser.  They also exclude most "Rife machine" devices that we've tested, which generally produce AC output, with negative pulses that make parasites GROW!   See "The Cure for HIV and AIDS," page 71, third paragraph, quoted below.

Auto-Zap output on oscilloscope, showing positive offset

Dr. Clark continues, "If the voltage is applied in pulses, to produce a "square" wave, it will affect many parasites at once so that the rate of raising and lowering it, called frequency, is not critical. Even though these tiny animals undoubtedly have a "mortal frequency", this rate does not need to be known or used when a square wave of electricity, totally positive, is used (see page 529)."

"A positive electrical force that pulses up and down not only appears to kill tiny invaders, it also seems to energize your white blood cells to go on an all-out attack on your enemies: your parasites, your toxins, everything, in spite of their four blockers. In spite of benzene, PCBs, metals, and asbestos!  For a time, your WBCs turn into Super-WBCs. (see note) That I why I recommend eight hours of zapping daily until you are well."

"Remember that killing parasites, by itself, as we can do with herbs, removes the HIV virus source, but this does not return immune power. A zapper, on the other hand, not only eliminates parasites; it does so by returning immune power. Each method has its own virtues."

(from "The Cure For HIV and AIDS," by Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark, pg. 71)

The original Professional Auto-Zap was the very first automatic Dr Hulda Clark zapper ever built, and it is still the best for ease of use, effectiveness, and safety.  AutoZap has been leading the industry for more than 25 years, with a full three-month 100% money-back guarantee.


FAIL-SAFE Design Keeps You Safe

The Auto-Zap was designed this way at the personal suggestion of Dr. Clark in 1995. She feels it was vital that any device people use for experimental health improvement must be reliable, with a clear indication that all is well, and equally clear indication of failure. [note from engineer].  The Auto-Zap5 is also unique because it incorporates an automatic battery test at startup, and will not start unless the battery can guarantee a full 63-minute cycle of correct output. We are the only ones who can offer 500 hours of guaranteed correct zapping from one 9 volt battery.  Most others are barely able to do 50 hours, with no guarantee of correct operation even then.


Lower Frequency Works Faster

What about zapper output frequency? "In our experimental testing, our 2.5 kHz (2500 pulses per second) worked significantly better than the 30 kHz suggested in Dr. Clark's book. Due to the "skin effect," it can be expected to penetrate more deeply.  I know Dr. Clark personally, and she told me in October 1995 that she had tested 5 kHz and found it to work better than 30 kHz. I had suggested it to her on the basis of the "skin effect" in physics. The skin effect causes high frequency current to travel on the surface of a conductor. Our lower 2.5 kHz frequency penetrates about 3.5 times more deeply than 30 kHz, based on calculation of the skin effect." [note from Engineer, Maker of the Auto Zap5]

  No Auto-Zap5 sale is final until YOU are satisfied

Unlike other Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper suppliers, you can use the Auto-Zap5 as much as you wish for 3 FULL MONTHS.  If you are not satisfied with it, simply return it for a refund.   Dr. Clark's recommendation is that you use the Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper every day for the first month.  For severe health impairment, you can zap several times daily. After that use it at least twice a week as a preventive measure, since we are all constantly exposed to parasite eggs and bacteria in daily life. 

Dr Hulda Clark Parasite Zapper Comparison Chart

This chart shows the main types of Dr Hulda Clark parasite zappers we have found for sale. They are compared by published specifications, unless we have been able to test them in our lab. Units tested in our lab are marked with an asterisk(*). Note that true Hulda Clark parasite zappers are those designed to meet the performance guidelines outlined in the black text box on page 15 of "The Cure for All Diseases."

Let us know if we have missed one that you would like to see here, or if you spot errors on our part. We've received some emails asking us to test certain older and/or generic zappers, and here is the response:

  • We do not review outdated zappers

  • 90% of zappers currently available are generic 555-based zappers which do not require separate testing since they use the circuit in Dr. Clark's books.

  • Some 555-based units, such as the Parazapper series, "The Ultimate Zapper" and the Terminator zapper series have been included because we continue to get questions about them.

Dr. Hulda Clark's specifications exclude all devices based on the work of Dr. Bob Beck, including his "zapper"/colloidal silver maker/plant growth stimulator, Brain Tuner, and magnetic pulser. 

Dr. Hulda Clark's definition of "zapper" also excludes most "Rife machine" devices, which generally produce AC output, with negative pulses that can make parasites GROW. See "The Cure for HIV and AIDS," page 71, third paragraph, for details on the dangers of negative pulses.





Digital Ultra





A6 Zapper

Ultimate Zapper Ultimate Zapper Terminator II
Guaranteed 1/4 positive offset
5-minute super-fast cycle
automatic cycles ?
# of automatic cycles 5 3 ? 3 0 2 only 1, always on only 1, always on
Food Zappicator cycle
Extreme battery life    
Confirmation of proper current flow
Output protected against static shock damage
Constant output voltage ?



Other Parasite Zapper "Features" claimed by others...

Constant Wave





This is a marketing term used to describe the effects of removing the current-limiting resistance, and is functionally identical to the Super Stabilized Wave (see below). As Dr. Clark demonstrates in "The Cure for HIV and AIDS" the zapper waveform will naturally "round off" under load (ie, while zapping) and the "Constant Wave" actually prevents this natural alteration of the zapper waveform into the ideal waveform, actually reducing effectiveness of the zapper while increasing risk of damage to delicate tissues. Here is Dr. Clark's ideal zapper waveform from "The Cure for HIV and AIDS," page 514:

Superior (Super) Stabilized Wave

This is a marketing term invented by the DCRA to describe the removal of a current-limiting stage in the output of the Super Zapper DeLuxe zapper models. This current limiting was intended by Dr. Hulda Clark to prevent tissue damage. Removing it is not a benefit, and is (was) not endorsed or approved by Dr. Clark, who prefers that her devices be unconditionally safe and effective.

Superior Harmonics

This is another marketing term which has led some people to believe that harmonics are a desirable feature in a parasite Zapper. It is a claim based on the removal of the current limiting resistance as noted above, producing a sharper waveform.


The idea of using a Zapper for electroporation therapy is uninformed nonsense, as the voltages involved (typically 10,000 - 100,000 volts per cm) are far too high for any home use device, much less a safe, effective Zapper designed to Dr. Clark's specifications.

AC Adapter

We purposely do not include an AC adapter because the potential for catastrophic failure and electric shock would undo all the good we are accomplishing with the AutZap5 zapper.



taken from  "How Bio Frequencies Can Help You"
by A. E. Baklayan
Read the Full Report Here

Beginning cold
The zapper has proven it's value as an aid against the acute flood of bacteria, which is reduced immediately. We receive enthusiastic reports about how colds are either totally cut off or their course was shortened or soothed.

Chronic Bronchitis:
To help the immune system break the cycle of chronic bronchitis, one should zap regularly for at least 4 months. In spring and summer, the 10 minute per day maintenance should be done preventatively for a few days from time to time; zap regularly in winter and at the maximum dose during the most dangerous time.... Many people that had suffered from chronic recurring bronchitis for sometimes decades, has been cured this way and could experience symptom free winter months for the first time.

Chronic Cystitis:
In case of chronic cystitis, especially for women, we have found it most effective to let the current flow through the feet and keep up regular treatments. The same applies to nephritis and pyelitis. The bio frequency emitted by the zapper can help reduce the dosage of medicine required.

Pain of Movement in the Body
Time and again rheumatic sufferers find it useful to use the zapper. Despite the fact that the root cause of rheumatism has nothing to do with parasites or bacteria, the inflammations at the joints are kept alive by germs. This bacterial burden can effectively be reduced with the zapper. In our experience we have often found a latent trichinella problem in rheumatics.

It is the great merit of practitioners who test bio-energetically to have found out that certain parasites - especially Ascaris - are responsible for bronchial asthma, so that the use of the zapper can often achieve amazing results. Many people are able to live without asthma sprays after consequently using the zapper. We have had the best results by placing one electrode on the chest, the place of incident, while holding the other electrode in the hand. Many people report that they feel how something is released. Even with hard and persistent coughs relief can sometimes be achieved. After coughing up intensively, the condition increasingly improves. Some patients zap a bit longer in these cases - up to 3 times 12 minutes, until they feel a substantial improvement. Ingesting thyme juice or drops regularly can be a great help.

It is Dr. Clark’s merit to have discovered the fact that parasitic burdens play a central role in cancer. You can find more information about this subject in "The Cure for All Cancers" and "The Cure for All Advanced Cancers". Of course the zapper can’t be regarded as a single measure against cancer, but the parasitic burden can effectively be reduced, so that the other therapeutic steps can be effective.

Stress of the central nervous system
Burdens such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s or other nervous disorders are caused by parasitic influences and environmental toxins. We have seen a large number of patients experience relief of their condition and they do not want to be without this support from bio frequencies! Naturally, one must work most intensively both on eliminating parasites and toxins as well as building up metabolism to beat these diseases.

Migraines and Headaches
It is a revolutionary finding that Strongyloides (threadworms) can be found in most migraine patients. When this is the case, the migraine attacks stop as soon as the Strongyloides are gone. We have collected dozens of documented cases over 3 years. If the migraines return, one has reinfected oneself. Here too the zapper offers its indispensable help, in therapy, maintenance and prevention.

Menstruation Pains
In case of menstrual pains and PMS the use of the zapper is promising. In most cases Enterobius vermicularis, round- and threadworms are part of the picture. You should start the therapy in between two periods and zap intensively during menstruation, i.e. twice daily 3x7 minutes.

Through bio-energetic testing, I have systematically researched the connection between allergies and parasitic burdens in hundreds of patients over the course of two years, such that I can say with certainty that every allergic has parasites. The parasites prevent the body from interrupting the immune-allergic reaction. I have been able to determine exactly which parasites in connection with which foreign proteins cause an over sensitivity in the body. You can find these findings in my book "Parasites - the hidden cause of chronic diseases" (German). To get rid of the worst infestation, the zapper is a good first aid tool for any allergic in all kinds of allergies, while in severe cases other measures are necessary.

"My daughter and I have gone through the first treatment successfully, but we would like to repeat it again in a few months. The zapper is great too, by the way. We used it both of us at the onset of cold/flu and managed to get well in one day and a half (using herbal remedies in addition to zapping).  With many thanks for the work you do, and best wishes"  -  Iuliana



Dr Hulda Clark Parasite Zapper, the AutoZap5 is EASY to use!

Easy to Use Icon Vector Images (over 200)


Quick-Zapping Mode: 5 Minutes
This super fast mode is the crown jewel of the AutoZap 5. WE USE IT EVERY DAY, and suggest you do the same. Press and release the A button once.  The Red mode LED will light.  In a few seconds you will hear a beep, and the green SenseAlert LED will light if you have the wristbands correctly connected.  In just 5 minutes the cycle is over, and you will hear a triple descending beep as it shuts off.  Five years of testing have shown that this simple 5 minute cycle is as effective as the classic 63-minute cycle. You may repeat this 5 minute cycle as often as you wish by simply pressing button A after you hear the end beep. 

Food Zappicator Mode: 15 Minutes

Connect the SuperZappicator to the AutoZap 5. Press the A button twice. The Green mode LED will light. Wait, and in a few seconds you will hear a beep as the cycle starts. The green SenseAlert light stays OFF with the zappicator. After 15 minutes the descending end beep sounds, and you're done.




Body Zappicator Mode: 30 Minute    
Plug in the SuperZappicator. Press the A button twice, then press the B button. The Green mode LED will start to flash, the green SenseAlert light will stay OFF.  It will run for 30 minutes, ending with a triple descending beep. Repeat if desired. 

60-Minute Constant-On Mode
Press the A button 3 times. The Yellow mode LED will light.  This mode is designed for those who need extensive zapping without interruption. It uses the gentle signal from the 5-minute Quick-zapping cycle, and runs for 60 minutes continuously. It is just like doing twelve 5-minute cycles, one right after the other. This gives the effect of twelve hours of zapping the old way.

"Classic” Cycle 7/20/7/20/7 Minutes
If you would like to do Dr. Clarkʼs original timed zapping cycle, you may do it in the flashing yellow mode.  Press and release the A button 3 times (the yellow LED mode will light), then press the B button.  The Yellow LED will flash.  This runs 7 minutes on / 20 minutes off / 7 minutes on / 20 minutes off / 7 minutes on.  The unit gives a long beep at the start of each output session, and a short beep at the beginning of each rest period. It will shut off at the end of the cycle with a triple descending beep.   Side note: the 5-minute Quick-Zapping cycle is just as effective, if not more, and is much faster.

see full instructions here


One of the more interesting features of this new design is the RED mode, which does the job in just 5 minutes. It uses a special signal that was developed to emit positive pulses that contain 1000's of frequencies at once!  When we asked the engineer about the specifics of this very proprietary signal design, he responded by saying, it is a...

 "...complex mix of digital AM and FM modulation, with only positive pulses, offset by 0.25 volts positive per Dr. Clark's specifications.  On a spectrum analyzer the Auto-Zap 5 has ALL the frequencies from about 10 kHz to 500,000 kHz. And despite the fact that it works so much more quickly, the measured average voltage of our synthesized signal is less than 1/3 of the voltage of a square wave like a conventional zapper. We get faster results with a lot less power put into the body.... In 4 years of testing it seems to truly duplicate the effectiveness of the 63-minute cycle in only 5 minutes. It is more than 12 times faster, and just as effective. And it will come with our full 100% money-back guarantee."  Arthur D.


NOTE: Site owner has successfully implemented Dr. Clark's cancer protocols. She was trained on this equipment at Dr. Clark's clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. Although Dr. Clark NEVER endorsed or sold ANY product anywhere, anytime, we know first hand that the AutoZap was suggested and used by her clients at the clinic. (If they didn't already have one of their own.)



The Professional Auto-Zap5   $299
FIVE variations of zapping!
Guaranteed, Failsafe, and Fool Proof 10 Volt Output!
Includes 2 Pairs Super Cuffs (or 1 Pair Gloves)
Includes 2 Pairs Medical Grade Snap Connect Wires
5 Year Full Warranty
90 Day Return   * see below
Video and Paper Instructions Included  
Use with the Zappicator for maximum results!

The Integrated Wellness System  $449
Professional AutoZap 5 zapper
Guaranteed, Failsafe, and Fool Proof 10 Volt Output!
2 Pairs Silver Conductive Wrist Cuffs (or 1 Pair Gloves)
10-Magnet Free Coil SuperZappicator
Includes 2 Pairs Medical Grade Snap Connect Wires
Instructions Included (video online)  
5 year warranty
90 Day Return   * see below

Conductive Elastic Zapper Wrist Cuffs -  $49

Wrist Cuffs for Maximum Convenience

  • Universal Connector to fit a wide variety of Zappers
  • Ultra-wide, comfortable and secure
  • Exceptional contact area and absorbent surface prevents burns

(Included when you purchase an Auto-Zap5.)

These comfortable elastic Super Cuffs are wide enough to accommodate wrists of all sizes, and are guaranteed to provide adequate contact for proper zapping with our AutoZap series of zappers.

 Two pairs are included in the package, cables are sold separately.

       Note: No returns due to personal nature of use.


The Super Zappicator  $159


Revolutionary food and BODY polarization device. It is like a magnetic "antenna" helping to send zapping power directly into the body as well as into food. Works great for teeth, food, and body  Replaces the tooth wand and food zappicator!   Five year full warranty. (Requires a zapper to power it... zapper not included.)

Note: No returns due to personal nature of device.



Zapper SuperGloves $75

Zapper Super Gloves: designed for comfortable, easy zapping! For years we have been using the SuperStraps for contacts (although some prefer footpads or copper pipe handholds). No matter how you’ve been zapping, none are as convenient as these zapper gloves!

  • Reusable – for many uses
  • Washable – wash gently by hand and air-dry
  • Flexible – one size fits all
  • Super conductivity due to the silver-plated knitted fabric


1) If your hands are very large these gloves may not fit – Please use CUFFS instead.
2)  No returns after they have been used.
3) Connecting wires are not included

REFUND POLICY: Due to the personal nature of using the ACCESSORIES (zappicator, wrist cuffs, gloves, pet pads), we can not refund these once opened and used.  Total refund upon return of the AutoZap5 is $249.   No refund on shipping.  Customer is responsible for shipping the AutoZap5 (only) back to us.



 Dr Hulda Clark parasite zapper