Compare Rife Machines
We are asked almost daily,
'how does yours compare to this?', or 'compare this device
to that device', etc... For years we have tried to
keep and maintain a simple, accurate comparison chart to
make it easier to know what you're getting. However,
these devices keep evolving. This leads to some inaccuracies, so for the time being
we've taken it off this page.
For now, if you have
questions about a particular device, please contact us. The
device we prefer and have offered for nearly 20 years is NOT
a ProWave (discontinued), Wellness Pro, Global
Wellness (discontinued), Energy Wellness (discontinued), Detox Box, JW
Labs, RPG 900 (discontinued), PERL, Plasma Plus, Spooky, or EMEM type frequency
Side Note: If you're searching for
comprehensive information
on the history of Royal Rife and his devices, including
actual proof of frequencies used, skin effect, power, and
much more... this site is the end-all when it comes to details on the history and background
of Royal Rife and his devices: